Monday, 27 April 2015

With the New BBM Update, chat with your phone contacts directly without invite

BBM contact list has been recently upgraded. Users can download the latest version of BBM today and start to take control of your social circles. Download the latest version here

When a user upgrades to the new BBM, the user will find you have access to some new contact categories. There are now contacts and BBM contacts on your new BBM upgrade.

The new contacts are people in your device’s contacts app who are already using BBM. Users can begin chatting with these contacts immediately, no BBM invite required! This is a great means to discover other people you know who are already using BBM.

BBM Contacts requires an invite. These are contacts that users have added to BBM. Only BBM contacts can see your BBM display picture and BBM status updates, and only BBM Contacts can call you using BBM Voice.

Watch the short video below to see how it works.

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