Thursday, 9 July 2015

Apple watch sales drops as sales graph shows no-one is buying Apple's latest tech toy

According to reports and figures, Apple smartwatch  has seen sales plummet since its official release.

When Apple launched the smartwatch in April, the smartwatch was selling 200,000 units a day - that sale has now reduced to less than 20,000 according to Slice Intelligence.

The company itself is yet to release any kind of official sales figures, which prompted Slice Intelligence to gather the data unofficially. According to slice, this was done by collecting electronic receipts sent to email addresses following a purchase.

Evident from the figures released shows that two-thirds of sales have been the cheapest Sport version (£299) of the Watch.

Apparently, careful analysis can dispel speculations that a 90% drop in sales spells the end of the Apple Watch. The early big sales can be chalked up to fans of the company who wanted to get in on the action at the initially - just like with an iPad or an iPhone.

Furthermore, if we take Slice Intelligence's statistics on other wearable smartwatches into account, it is apparent that Apple is selling far more smartwatches than its rivals even after the slump is taken into account.

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