Friday, 10 July 2015

Facebook introduces new ways to control what you see in News Feed

Facebook News Feed is one of the most important part of the social network. Facebook has announced that it’s giving its users new ways to tweak what shows up in their News Feed. According to Facebook -
News Feed is a personalized stream of stories that you build from the people and Pages you’ve connected to on Facebook. The goal of News Feed is to show you the stories that matter most to you. To do this, we use ranking to order stories based on how interesting we believe they are to you: specifically, whom you tend to interact with, and what kinds of content you tend to like and comment on.
This new introduction comes by way of a re-invented News Feed Preferences menu. This menu will be  launched on iOS today and will be available for Android and the Web “over the coming weeks”

The new News Feed Preferences allows users to prioritize whose update you see first, effortlessly unfollow people or reconnect with those you’ve previously unfollowed, and discover new pages. In simple terms, to ensure you don’t miss updates from specific friends and pages, you can prioritize them. Hereafter, every time you open Facebook, you’ll see the updates they posted since you last visited the social network at the top of the News Feed, with a star attached (so you know why that’s there). Scrolling down from that, users will then get the rest of your News Feed normally.

“Discover New Pages” can be said to be a collection of recommended pages that Facebook thinks you should like, based on the types of pages you’ve liked in the past. Initially users normally unfollow people from their profile, but with this new update you can choose to do that from the new Unfollow menu in News Feed Preferences too. This new service should be more useful for bulk operations. Users can also see who they have unfollowed in the past, and choose to re-follow them.

Presently to access the News Feed Preferences in the iOS app, tap on More in the bottom right corner, then going to Settings.

Source: Facebook news

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